Monday, 1 September 2014

Update: Blogging Reboot.

hiya guys; 

So it seems I went on an unexplained mini blogging hiatus. A lot was happening, and im sure my fellow students out there totally know how one, stressful exams get and two, how relieved/drained you are afterwards. Through July/August, I was away with my best friend in Gibraltar. It was the most relaxing and chilled holiday I have ever experienced. I am having major sun withdrawal symptoms though.

August has just been interesting for me. It consisted of work, work and oh, did i mention more work? Complaints aside (welcome to the adult world, Alana...), I have more money to be buying and testing new products for you all. 
(ps, major love goes to my friends for regular night drives to Starbucks to fuel this girls coffee addiction)

And it is now September. And we all know what that means - autumn is almost here! It's no secret that autumn is by far my favourite season. I love absolutely everything about it. The colours, the weather, the fashion. So be expecting some seasonal blogposts.

And to end my ramble, i now also have a DSLR camera. For all my tech-savvy readers, it's an EOS 100D. So that means no more amateur-y looking photos. This'll really put my photography skills to the test (hahahaha, what photography skills?!)

What would you like to see me blog about in the future? Let me know!

xo, alana
ps, I'm all over social media, find me on twitterinstagram and tumblr!